A short mockumentary / parody documentary following Eevee the loaf of bread (shiba inu dog) as she struggles with her identity; telling us about how people identify her and what her dog owners are doing to discover her inner dog once again. Since the domination of the Doge meme on the internet from 2013, Shiba Inu's have be given so many nicknames that spread like wildfire that I cant count them! This parody documentary covers a handful of shiba inu nicknames and dramatises the impact of them on a dog. A light hearted, short, parody documentary / mockumentary / dogumentary video.
[a borkflix dogumentary] My dog identifies as a loaf of bread?! The shiba inu is one of the most celebrated dog breeds on this planet. Their squishy cheeks, their teddy bear soft ears and their fluffy coats are irresistible to the average person. in this part one of our documentary (dogumentary) series we talk about shiba inu struggles. following Eevee Bork on her journey of self-discovery. Today we talk about Shiba Inu's struggles with identity. We're going past the bread and beyond the doge and join Eevee in this documentary about self-discovery. we begin our journey hearing from Eevee's owner: sam bork. Eevee has always been a happy, sassy dog but you could tell from a young age that she struggled to commit with her dog identity fully. when she first came into this world in 2015 people were asking us why are you adopting a potato? that's a potato! and as she grew up looking less like a potato and more like a modern shiba inu dog the nicknames only changed... i'd take her on walks every day and kids would say: why is that man walking a fox? Others would say oh my god it's the doge meme! but the ones (nicknames) that always stuck with those saying that she looks like a loaf of bread... or a roasted marshmallow. and it was always what the loaf doin? Never what the dog doin? and if i'm honest i think over the years that takes its toll and i am guilty of it myself too for example when she falls asleep i think she looks like a sleepy croissant. [David Attenbork] and as the years ticked by this wasn't just happening in england where evie lives... this was happening all over the world! i first saw eevee bork on TikTok and the first thing i thought was "that loaf of bread kinda looks like a dog!" now we understand where this has come from let's see what Sam and Eevee are doing to improve this situation to help Eevee on her journey we try and remind her every day about how good a dog that she is and that she is in fact... a dog! we think this gives her the best start to a day for breakfast we give a certified dog kibble or meat keeps her in touch with the more primal dog in her no bread here in her spare time she watches videos about independent doggos that don't need no man! before she goes to bed she has affirmations that she plays herself today's affirmation. you are smart you are cute and you have the fluffiest butt due to this crisis of identity Eevee doesn't do many things people have normalized dogs to do and this series will follow Eevee as she rediscovers, for the first time, what it's like to be a normalized dog in modern society subscribe now to be part of the documentary (dogumentary) journey