Shiba Inu Dog Videos

Shiba Inu Dog Video Creator on YouTube, TikTok & Instagram

A Shiba Inu Dog video content creator that shares the love of the Shiba Inu Dog Breed starring Eevee Bork. A Cute & Funny Shiba Inu Dog with the squishiest cheeks online!

Content Creator. Pet Influencer. The Cheese Tax Collector.

Shiba Dog Videos on YouTube

Funny, Cute Shiba Inu Dog Videos is what Eevee Bork is all about!

We create funny and cute YouTube videos, TikToks and Instagram Reels videos featuring Eevee Bork the Shiba Inu. These vary between funny original ideas and joining current trends with an Eevee bork twist.

Looking for Funny shiba inu videos? How about Cute shiba inu videos? Or even Talking shiba inu videos? Eevee Bork has you covered.

Say hello to the Shiba Inu Dog!

Shiba Inus (柴犬) are the smallest and arguably cutest of all the Japanese native Spitz breeds.

Originally bred for hunting small game, modern day shiba inu's have cemented themselves as internet celebrities, inspirations for cryptocurrencies and wonderful companion household pets.

Noteable Shibas online include Doge (Kabuso), Cheems (Balltze), Kuribo, Tory, Kylo, Charmy, Moja & so many more.

Shiba Inu with Squishy cheeks being pinched
eevee.bork aftermath of the dog egg challenge

Shiba Inu Breed Info

We have a whole section covering Shiba Inu Traits and Characteristics Info to help you understand Shiba Inu's better. We answer questions like:

What is a Shiba Inu's temperament like?
What are Shiba's personalities like?
Are Shiba Inu's aggressive?
Are Shibas a family dog?

Head over to our Shiba Inu Breed Info section for answers to these questions, and more! Including videos and pictures.

Shiba Inu Training Info (in progress)

We have Shiba Inu training tips and tricks to help with a variety of training needs.

Are Shiba Inu's hard to train? How difficult is it to train my Shiba? What a Shiba Inu training basics?

Training guidance ranging from puppy tips to agility can be found here.

Owning a Shiba Inu means every day is a training day, we expect our advice to grow too over time.

Shiba Inu with text overlay 'Golden Rule - Tricks need treats'
eevee.bork smiling shiba sticker logo

What is Eevee Bork?

Eevee Bork creates viral pet content, trending dog content, original content and repurposed content that builds an authentic, organic audience of pet lovers.

We're a full service content creator and social media manager that can provide visibility and exposure to your brand to an organically grown pet loving audience.

Shiba Inu with Squishy cheeks being pinched

Funny Viral Dog Videos

Eevee Bork is a cute Japanese Shiba Inu called Eevee who is always doing funny things caught on camera and made into funny viral TikTok videos. Laugh along as this dog is very cute, very dramatic and not camera shy!

Eevee the Shiba Inu's funny dog videos have gone viral across the globe and featured on LadBible, Catch22, Foodies, TikTok Ads, Public Health England & more!

Pet Social Media Influencer

With more than 1.6 MILLION followers on TikTok! Eevee the Shiba Inu has a global audience that has a dominant presence in the USA, UK, East Asia & the world!

We're actively collaborating with brands on Instagram, TikTok and Youtube to create content that can be posted across any social media channel.

eevee.bork social media influencer tie
Shiba Inu wearing Crown / Tiara

Dog Content Creator

Eevee Bork creates viral content, trending content, original content and repurposed content that builds an authentic, organic audience of pet lovers.

We're a full service content creator and social media manager that can provide visibility and exposure to your brand to an organically grown pet loving audience.

Watch Dog Vlogs Videos on our Youtube Channel!

You’re in good hands

Eevee is a 7 year old Japanese Shiba Inu born and raised in the UK. Eevee, Sam & Hannah are UK based family that have important values when creating content:

• Content is cute, funny, pleasant & enjoyable
• Content is safe for Eevee
• Foster a positive, kind pet-loving community with a great sense of humor

Work with Eevee
right white arrow
“I keep up with the latest trends and giving them a special eevee.bork twist”
“I love being a part of the livestreams and act as quality assurance for the videos ;)”